April 12, 2012

#TwoBits Diabetes Sucks and Parents' Time

NEW FLASH: Diabetes Sucks!

I know, who would have thought it? Kelly Booth has a nice Stream of Consciousness post as part of her Wego series here. "Using insulin isn’t like taking a pill that you get 30 pills for 30 days. Every day is different and most days it is different because of things you have no control over." Well said. YDMV.

ALSO: Parents Need a Break

Sometimes Parents Get a Break When They Take a Break. Scott did. Here's a great line, "the beginning of the next step for us..." Sweet.

#TwoBits is a hash tag used to highlighting post I enjoy around the Diabetes Online Community. I think we are all stronger when our community celebrates each other. Please feel free share #TwoBits too.