May 29, 2008

From the News Wire: CHOP Pitts, JDRF Awards and Finland

Miscellaneous T1 News:

New vaccine approach prevents/reverses diabetes in lab study at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Results of study are published in Diabetes, a journal of the American Diabetes Association
Microspheres carrying targeted nucleic acid molecules fabricated in the laboratory have been shown to prevent and even reverse new-onset cases of type 1 diabetes in animal models. The results of these studies were reported by diabetes researchers at the John G. Rangos Sr. Research Center at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and Baxter Healthcare Corporation.

In a research study at Children’s Hospital, the scientists injected the microspheres under the skin near the pancreas of mice with autoimmune diabetes. The microspheres were then captured by white blood cells known as dendritic cells which released the nucleic acid molecules within the dendritic cells. The released molecules reprogrammed these cells, and then migrated to the pancreas. There, they turned off the immune system attack on insulin-producing beta cells. Within weeks, the diabetic mice were producing insulin again with reduced blood glucose levels.

JDRF announces 2008 Spring Research Review Award
Researchers Brownlee, German and Sander chosen as winners
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation recently awarded its top honors to three noted scientists. The awards were presented at the 2008 Spring Research Review Awards Dinner.

Surge in insulin-dependent diabetes among Finnish children
Levels of type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes among Finnish children have more than doubled in the past 25 years, with the increase set to continue. A combination of genetic and lifestyle factors are the likely cause, conclude authors of an Article in this weeks Diabetes Special Issue of The Lancet.

A steady increase in the incidence of type 1 diabetes has been reported worldwide, with the trend most pronounced in children aged four years and younger. The average increase per year has been 2.5 -- 3.0% worldwide, but with a huge variation between individual countries.

1 comment :

  1. I wonder how much of the increase is accounted for by the migration of people.
    A study looking at the incidence of diabetes in the under 18 population in Chicago over the course of a decade found no difference in the incidence of type 1, and a 6% increase in type 2. I wouldn't be surprised if a significant portion of people are misdiagnosed as to type of diabetes. Particularly smaller children assumed to be type 1.
