September 1, 2011

Diabetes Art Day

Part of the art of diabetes is knowing what to say to who. We think Fotaly Tine is great place to start.

See the gallery and join Diabetes Art Day.


  1. otally tawesome! (not quite the same but you get the picture)

  2. Oh I love this. Quite a bit, actually. That guy should fotally be an actor.

  3. That was awesome! Or should I say it was fotally tunny :)

  4. I love it! I was fotally tine just a couple nights ago, but because my BG was 30mg/dL, Jason made me drink a tower of juice boxes anyway...

    Next year, I hope to figure out how to have a video uploading feature on the Diabetes Art Day site just for the BetesNOW team, but since I'm not there yet, thanks for going low tech and offering the fotally tine still image :)

  5. That was awesome, Bennet.
