November 4, 2012

Diabetes Deaths Fall 61% Among Youths

That is the headline at medpage Today.

I would say:

Families Empowered to be More Successful with Diabetes

This news story is that mortality from diabetes in the US has declined significantly since the late 1960s.  In this case I am more a glass partially full kind of guy so I want to talk about success not mortality. I also think I am we hold these truths to be self evident kind of guy'cause diabetes care tools and education have improved a lot since the late 60s. None the less a little formal study is a good thing.

The real questions are:
How do we keep making progress?
What is next big advance, the next DCCT?
Were the improvements since the late '60s the results of picking the low hanging fruit of diabetes care making them next series of advancements incrementally more difficult?
What is our role as patients and advocates in making next steps a reality?

My two cents is to reduce diabetes death in youth - Continue to Empower Families.

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