It is often all too easy to be skeptical. To balance that I think it is useful to appreciate people who do the right thing. Sometimes that is easy too.
Today for example the folks at J&J diabetes announced that they will donate one million strips to the International Diabetes Federation's (IDF) Life for a Child program.
From the press release:
Yes. Industry is for profit. They need to be profitable to keep doing the right thing. I include in doing the right thing selling testing supplies and developing better tools. I don't have a problem with the system. That is their job. I hope they are successful and keep doing it for a long time. I am also thrilled to see them sharing from that success with people who can't buy supplies.
I lift my glass and toast the team at J&J today. Cheers.
P.S. Don't think this means you get any slack if one of my kids' pumps breaks.
Today for example the folks at J&J diabetes announced that they will donate one million strips to the International Diabetes Federation's (IDF) Life for a Child program.
From the press release:
"This donation will enable up to 1,300 young people with diabetes in these seven countries to monitor their blood glucose at least twice daily for about a year. Many of these children have never had access to a meter before – so this will be a tremendous support to them."I think there are a lot of people in industry that do the right thing. I think they do it because it is the right thing to do. The right thing can be teaching at a camp, joining a walk and it even be donating a million strips. I think we in social media have a responsibility to recognize these when we see them. Particularly if we maybe critical at other times.PR Newswire ( - Dr. Graham Ogle, General Manager of Life for a Child.
Yes. Industry is for profit. They need to be profitable to keep doing the right thing. I include in doing the right thing selling testing supplies and developing better tools. I don't have a problem with the system. That is their job. I hope they are successful and keep doing it for a long time. I am also thrilled to see them sharing from that success with people who can't buy supplies.
I lift my glass and toast the team at J&J today. Cheers.
P.S. Don't think this means you get any slack if one of my kids' pumps breaks.
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