Here are some introductory paragraphs from their release to tempt you to read more:
Here are some introductory paragraphs from their release to tempt you to read more:
New Intranasal Glucagon Effective in Children and Adolescents. Preliminary clinical trial data have demonstrated that a new, user-friendly, needle-free delivery system is as effective in children and adolescents as the injected form of glucagon. Known as Glucagon Nasal Powder and developed by Locemia Solutions, this represents a major step in advancing a treatment that has been largely unchanged for roughly 25 years.
Autoimmune disease comorbidities in children and adults with type 1 diabetes Type 1 diabetes is often associated with other autoimmune diseases (AD), but currently well-characterized, evidence-based screening guidelines for diagnosing those diseases in type 1 patients does not exist. To better understand factors associated with and the prevalence of AD in type 1 diabetes patients, researchers analyzed data from the nearly 26,000 patients in the T1D Exchange Clinic Registry.
Do patients use their insulin pump’s built-in bolus calculator?A built-in bolus calculator in an insulin pumps uses personalized settings to make bolus doses (doses of fast-acting insulin) more accurate and curb insulin stacking (repeated insulin injection at close intervals) – but it remains unclear if the calculator is crucial to pump management, a reflection of user ability or simply a feature of the device.
Researchers analyzed data from the T1D Exchange Clinic Registry to assess the frequency of bolus calculator use and determine associated demographics, clinical characteristics and outcomes. Among the nearly 1,950 participants, they found:
- 79% of participants using an insulin pump reported frequently using a bolus calculator;
- 82% of participants who reported using a bolus calculator frequently checked their blood glucose levels compared with 66% of participants who infrequently check;
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