November 4, 2007

Diabetes "coach" may help diabetic teenagers

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A "personal trainer" can enhance an adolescence's motivation and capability of managing diabetes, according to a randomized trial sponsored by the National Institutes of Health...

The facilitators were called "personal trainers" to "emphasize the development of strengths rather than the amelioration of deficits," the researchers explain in a report in the medical journal Diabetes Care.

Why wouldn't we hold these truths to be self evident? Pay attention and they do better. Focus on developing strengths not beating them for variances. Diabetes Varies, focus on the positives - why stress the negative variances? It will just make - stress.

I don't think the coaching needs to be year round to get this effect. Our experience with Children With Diabetes' Friends for Life conference was that the coaching our teen took in at that conference made a measurable impact on his A1C. Now I am not saying that year round may not be better - what I am saying is sign up for FFL.

Connor & Co flex there guns at FFL.

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