February 29, 2016

HELP I Need Somebody. (In the Next Ten Days)


In HELP, the Beatles protect Ringo from an evil cult. 

Solid plan. 

People with diabetes could use some protecting.

I am not, exactly, suggesting the Senate are an evil cult, but people with diabetes could use the Senate's HELP

Can you find two minutes, in the next ten days, to ask the Senate HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions) to consider diabetes?

Maybe even ACT NOW.


On March 9th, the Committee is going to consider health bills. Ask them to bring S. 586 to the table.

  • Click the picture.
  • Fill in your name and address.
  • DPAC drafts letters for your Senators*. 
  • Feel free to ad you diabetes story to the letters.
  • Push submit to send. 
*DPAC customizes your letters to your Senators. We know who is on the committee, who has cosponsor S586, and who need to support it. All you need to do is click and ask Senators to work with their colleagues bring S 586 to the table. 

After sending the letter, maybe Tweet too. Find you Congress members here and some ready to fire Tweets. #DiabetesCommission

S. 586 creates a commission that will help better address diabetes, in a fiscally responsible manner. The act is budget neutral, and prior experience suggests this commission can have a significant positive impact on care. A generation ago a National Diabetes Advisory Board created the pivotal Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) that has defined modern diabetes care.

A new generation of innovative medications and devices are coming to market that can revolutionize how Americans live well with diabetes. Doing so will require the government to change the status quo of federal bureaus working alone, to a coordinated national response, driven by research experts, physicians, educators and people living with diabetes, to keep those agencies with interfering with the doctor-patient relationship.

(HELP may not ACT NOW.  If not, Later, Rinse, Repeat - the Committee meets in April too.)

February 1, 2016

Spare A Rose - Opening Days Deal: Help Kids AND Make Me Look Silly.

The fourth annual Spare a Rose campaign starts today. 

Spare a Rose helps fund IDF's Life for a Child program bringing insulin and support to children in developing nations who may otherwise go without. Spare a Rose is easy, give one less rose this valentine's day and donate the value of that rose to IDF or give a dozen.  

Spare A Rose is a fun way we, people with diabetes, can join philanthropists, industry and other who support these kids. 

Type 1 requires ongoing insulin. Through Spare a Rose you make an ongoing monthly gift to IDF. With the Monthly Donation section of the Spare A Rose giving form your can set ongoing giving. The funds flow straight from you, through PayPal, to IDF and kids in need.

Spare A Rose is a community effort.  It is fun to be a part of something so useful, needed and simple. Now add to that the opportunity of publicly embarrassing your truly

I would love to see Spare A Rose start quickly with ongoing donations. So I'll wear these Disney World map tights to the Friends for Life banquet this summer if we can raise three dozen ongoing gifts in the first three days of Spare A Rose.

Help kids and make me look silly in public at the same time. What could be better? 
