Riva has two wonderful pieces up at the Huffington Post on the DRI and research to find a cure. Like Scott I encourage you to go read them and will tempt you with little bits that I found wonderful:
From Part 1 a frank and honest the answer to how long will it take to find a cure:
Q ... 38 years ago I was told we'd have a cure in five to 10 years back then. Are we any closer?From Part 2 a touching look into the feelings of a researcher
CR: We are much closer, there's been more progress in the last five years than the preceding five decades. It won't happen tomorrow, though, and I hate to over-promise because so many people have been disillusioned. But I'm still working with the same enthusiasm and determination as if the cure will be within the next three years.
Q: What's your biggest challenge?
CR: Besides funding, it's the blocking of a physician or scientist when he has the ability to cure one individual. The soldier in Afghanistan is a perfect example; If I were following existing rules to the letter, I really shouldn't have done the transplant because I didn't have the needed approvals in place at the time.
In the current regulatory environment, if you have a patient with diabetes or cancer you can only treat using randomized, evidence-based medicine, or findings from a major trial.
I went into medicine to be able to help one person at a time while concentrating my efforts on developing a cure for millions.
Scott and I found different parts of Riva's articles quote worthy. I hope you will go read them both and share the parts that you find quote worthy. I look forward to seeing a lot of links back to Riva around the DOC as we are all inspired by her articles on DRI's work.
As a parent of two type 1 kids my thanks go out to Dr. Ricordi and the DRI. As one of the many who hope to benefit from his work I just want the guy to know it is OK if he takes a little time to go fishing and de-stress a little (A reference to part 2. You'll have to read it yourself.)
LY/MI Doc.
Thanks for the link! Very cool!