... before I check out for the weekend.
All are about pregnancy and diabetes. So they don't apply to me but they are wonderful efforts, doing good things and they should get shout outs.
The Plaid Journal:
PLAID is cool. PLAID is an open access, peer-reviewed, research journal that aims to encourage dialogue among people living with and inspired by diabetes.
They're doing an issue on "Pregnancy & Diabetes." The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2015.
JDRF has a lovely toolkit for pregnancy and Type 1 diabetes.
"This guide provides information for parents-to-be or future parents-to-be with T1D—explaining the disease management goals for pregnancy and reviewing how to obtain the best possible support from healthcare providers at every stage."

MyGlu has a survey about preconception, pregnancy, and childbearing at http://bit.ly/glusurvey Help them out, take the survey.
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