April 16, 2008

From the News Wire: Way Early Detection

Researchers in Milwaukee may be on to a path for earlier detection and treatment of T1. They have figured out a means of identifying T1 with an early blood test. Like before symptoms.

Maybe this with some of the approaches being studies to prolong beta cell production in the honeymoon could significantly put off what we now see as diagnosis.

MILWAUKEE, April 16 --
Researchers at Children's Research Institute, located in Milwaukee, recently made significant discoveries in juvenile diabetes diagnosis. Led by Martin Hessner, PhD, associate professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, the research team applied a new approach, finding that type 1 diabetes patients during the honeymoon phase create a unique genomic fingerprint. The research team used a new type of blood test that identifies inflammation associated with type 1 diabetes though a unique genomic fingerprint. Remarkably, this fingerprint is evident years prior to disease onset. This discovery offers insight into the pathways responsible for type 1 diabetes. This fingerprint will be useful in identifying at-risk children earlier in the disease process. This offers hope for earlier treatment and even delay or prevention of full-blown diabetes. The Journal of Immunology recently published this research.


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